Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thunderbolts #3 Review *SPOILERS*

 Writer: Jim Zub
Artist: Jon Malin
Publisher: Marvel
Published: July 20, 2016
Rating: T
Price: $3.99

Out of all the Marvel titles that I read, this book was one that I picked up on a whim and was intrigued enough to keep reading. Issue one was my book of the week when it came out along with Zub's D&D book. I really enjoyed issue two, but felt it was a repeating the same patterns all other ongoing series fall into. Sp how would issue three hold up? Lets find out.

I'll Start with the cover since Atlas is my favorite Thunderbolt! This reminded me of some 80's comic covers minus the dialog boxes. I miss dialog on the covers, it was one of the selling points for me in my youth. Also it is nice to see the cover actually tie into the issue instead of being a splash page not related to the story at all. Anyways, enough of that, lets get back to this book. It starts off with Crystal screaming her ass off like and acting irrationally (Like the leader of the Poison Ivy Club?!) while Bucky tries to explain what went down. The Inhumans are not having it and just start attacking the Thunderbolts. They do a good job telling you who these Inhumans are and what their powers are which is good, since I only followed the Inhumans back in the 80's.  

 My favorite part of the battle was between Atlas and Flint, who I feel like is a ripoff of GeoForce from the Outsiders. It was pretty much a slug fest and the rest of the team is actually getting their asses handed to them. Kobik wants to help, but as usually Bucky tells her no. I would just have her zap those bastards back to their base, but then the issue would be over.
 Fixer has a plan of his own as well. Instead of fighting them, he took over control of their ship and put an end to the fight. I like how Kobik thinks it awesome that they took the ship and she wants to keep it. Bucky tells them what happened and why they had to destroy the rest of the pods, but Crystal still doesn't believe them. Bucky allows them to get control of their ship and return to their base in New Attilan where they explain what happened to Medusa.
 I really liked the art here with Medusa and Lockjaw. It reminded me of their appearances in the Fantastic Four books. Medusa orders Crystal to remind the american agencies that they are not to interfere with the Inhumans or it will be considered and act of war.
 Back on the SHIELD helicarrier we see Maria Hill discussing what went down with the Thunderbolts as one of the agents asked if Kobik was a an Inhuman. We see Cap say it could be, then he is cut off by hill who recognizes it is Kobik right away. This led me to believe Cap knew as well and was hoping they would't figure it out.
 Hill spazzes out and Cap tries to convince her that Bucky must have a good reason for taking her and says that he will bring them back. She isn't willing to wait and put the Thunderbolts on the most wanted list and froze all their assets in an attempt to get them to show themselves. We then see Cap on his cell phone with an encrypted channel that loses signal. The art here has a less blocky Romita Jr. style. I guess it is to make us believe Cap is hydra or it is just a coincidence, either way this bearded bastard refuses to believe Cap is a bad guy and I will wait and see just how this plays out. I am not reading Cap's book, so I have no idea what is playing out there at this point.
 Back to the T-Bolts and we see the team recovering from their beatings and Atlas offers Bucky a beer. He declines, but Kobik wants one! This part made me wonder what would happen if a four year old girl cosmic cube being would do if she was drunk. It would either be pretty funny or scary as hell. Maybe we should see this in a future issue Mr. Zub!
 We cut over to Fixer and Moonstone and these are the two characters that I really hate! I've hated them since the formation of the Thunderbolts!! They discuss Kobik and how Fixer wants to kill her while Moonstone wants to control her. Personally I would like to see Kobik send these two bastards to the cornfields like Anthony Fremont from the Twilight Zone!
You're a bad man! A VERY bad man!

 We also find out that Moonstone has plans for Bucky too, that conniving bitch! (I bet she is in the Poison Ivy club as well.)
Bucky is reading a bedtime story to Kobik and she asks him why she is not allowed to help. He tells her that he is worried that someone will try to use her powers and manipulate her. He tells her about things that he did that he regrets and does not want her to go through that as well. Kobik then offers to take away his regrets and the things that he has done as well. He is silent for a moment and tells her no as he leaves her room. He then falls to the ground and appears top be crying.

When I was reading the parts with the battle it seemed like it was going to be a typical traditional issue that we've all read before. Then when we get to the Thunderbolts, I feel like we are getting some good story telling along with the character development.  This was a strong issue, but fell short of the previous two issues in all. I will continue to read it and I am looking forward to see where the story goes from here.


So until next time, DatBeardedBastard is out...

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