Friday, June 17, 2016

Rocket Jockey *Card Game Review*

Publisher: Mayfair Games, Funfair Line                     
Players: 2-4                                                                      
Ages: 10-15                                                                      
Amazon Price: $12.02                                                   

This was a game that I got from my local comic shop. The guy had a few games and was not sure why he ordered this and asked me if I was interested. I was, but I didn't want him to know that so I told him I would give him $5 to take it off his hands. I got it home and busted the bad boy open. 

 Game contents. 

The game includes:  

9 destination cards
27 cargo cards
32 maneuver cards
16 co-pilot cards
2 alien cards
4 score cards
1 plastic rocket 

 Top and bottom of the box.

So after opening the game, I was going through everything and noticed that it was missing one of the co-pilot cards. This was not too bad at first since it was just my son and I playing. I wanted to make sure that I had it in case we had a four player game. I lost my receipt and the shop only had one copy of the game. I decided to email Mayfair about this and the replied within ten hours asking me for my shipping address. They didn't ask me for the receipt or any questions, and about four days later I had a set of co-pilot cards in my mailbox. I have to say they have a great customer service department. They even emailed me to make sure I received the cards. 

Game cards.

There is not much to the game, but it is simple and actually quite fun. You are basically an outer space delivery man. Something like Han Solo transporting goods from planet to planet. The cards you draw will allow you to transport from one planet to another, and if you string some together you get extra points, One side of the card sheet helps you score your cargo drops and the other side helps you score your planets. You can claim cargo with your co-pilot and only you can transport it, but you want to hold on to your co-pilots to get bonus points. 

There is nothing included to track your points, so you will need to keep track with a pen and pad or as my son and I always do, use dice. We always have a crap load of dice at all times for instances like this. The game can last between 30-45 minutes, but we have had a game take about an hour before, so if you want to play this with a younger child, they may get bored. 

Overall, I would say that this game is well designed and worth the $12.02 price listed on Amazon. If you find it even cheaper, it's a no-brainer to pick up. If you are looking for a game that doesn't have much set up and is easy to learn and play, this game is for you. 

I would give this game an 8/10 beard rating. 

Until next time, DatBeardedBastard is out...

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